UGC creator



I am a content creator in Los Angeles who can create unique videos for your food items . My specializations include recipe creation, kitchen tool unboxings and creative short clips.

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Circle Play
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This UGC video got 27k views!

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UGC pic example

Brushstroke Arrow Smooth Curve Down
  • if your company is not food related please reach out to be connected to my business UGC page instead. You can view that page here

What is UGC?

USER GENERATED CONTENT is content created by real people (instead of corporate marketing teams), to help influence engagement and increase conversions throughout a customers buying journey.

Online competition is fierce, so using UGC creates a more authentic experience that can be spread throughout social media, email, or even your website.

...and let's not forget, it's usually 75% less expensive than hiring a production team!

What's the difference between an Influencer and an UGC creator?

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Circle Play
Circle Play
Circle Play
Circle Play
Circle Play


With influencer marketing, you are paying high dollar to have access to THEIR audience. With UGC the content is created exclusively for you and can be curated to fit your brand. A UGC creator does not post the content to their audience.

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Product Details

Comedic Short Clips

Informative but funny

Work with Me


for all requests & pricing

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